Interested in becoming a Videx reseller? Read about the benefits.
Videx sells its products through a channel consisting of three reseller partner types:
- Independent Software Vendors
- Integrators
- Hardware-only Resellers
Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) add value to Videx products through either software or hardware enhancement and have shown a commitment to marketing the products as part of their standard product offering. An ISV provides their own software to interface with Videx products. Alternatively, an ISV can custom-build software to fit an end user’s specific data collection application. All Videx ISVs have submitted an application, been approved, and have purchased a kit of demonstration products. Because of their level of commitment to marketing our products, ISVs receive the best pricing from Videx.
Integrators are able to make Videx products work with any existing third-party software that allows data to be imported from an external source.
Hardware-only Resellers can qualify for discounts if they show proof that they are in the business of selling computers, computer related equipment, and/or software.
All Videx products are marketed on the basis of the open market; Videx assigns no territories or offers no exclusive distribution agreements. As a Videx ISV, Integrator or Reseller, your best “exclusive” is dependent upon your value-added services and support. Videx resellers also have complete freedom to set their own pricing.
As Videx has no outside sales force, we rely on resellers to take the product to the customer. We will not knowingly interfere with a reseller’s established sales channel, but will always attempt to support the customer through the reseller.
Videx reviews the performance and participation of resellers on a periodic basis to determine continuation of the reseller’s status.